Sreecheta Das from Kolkata got the invitation to participate in a International Documentary Film Festival at Lahore

While Pakistani actors are being outcasted from working in Indian movie Industry (Bollywood), a group of film student of SRFTI from Kolkata got the invitation to participate in a film festival at Lahore. “Sankrail Superstars”, a documentary, directed and produced by Sreecheta Das and Naomi Alam, will compete in a two day 10th Vasakh International Documentary Film Festival, kicking off from 27th April, 2017.
The short documentary is based on the real life story of two sisters – Mukta and Mamata Hansda, part of an all girls’ football’s team from the tribal heartlands of the Sankrail area in West Bengal. Sankrail once used to infamous as the Maoist strong hold in the state till a few years ago. It was then that the West Bengal government poured funds into this area to develop it and restore peace in the region. This all girls’ football team was one of the many projects initiated to bring prosperity to the Jungal Mahal (Forest Land).
Despite the lack of proper training and nutrition, Sankrail Superstars had added a colourful feather in their crown when they represented West Bengal in Subroto Cup International Football Tournament in 2014.
‘Sankrail Superstars’ takes a sneak peek into the lives of Mukta and Mamata Hansda, two of the oldest players in the team.
Meanwhile, Das is excited to travel to Pakistan to screen their works to create mass awareness and others are expecting that this will help to improve the relation between two neighbours.

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